Sunday, 18 March 2007

Fund raising progress (part 1)

It has been a week since we launched our fund raising websites, and we've raised just under £200 between the two sites.

It is looking fairly promising, although I must admit, the start-up donations were from Alex and I, but someone had to get the ball rolling! :-)

We are focusing mainly on the Mercy Corps Mongolia site at, once we achieve our fund raising target here, we'll start to advertise the Hopes and Homes for Children site more aggressively.

Today I sent out an email to some friends and family in a bid to get some more donations for either Mercy Corps Mongolia or Hopes and Homes for Children, I hope the emailing proves fruitful. At the very least, it will raise awareness of our event. I think fund raising is always more effective when you talk to someone about the event in person. We'll have to see how it goes...



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